Things That Make Life Great

I don’t know about you, but lately I was feeling really worn out and bogged down by the world, and the way I conducted myself in it. I was all groggy about how my body felt; tired, slow, painful and stiff, and about how I was mentally- stuck, bored… Basically I was really gloomy and poopy. So tonight, I decided to tire myself out completely on purpose, in order to reset my system. I went on a long walk and heard some really fabulous voice singing in the darkness of 10pm, in a park. I looked up and saw a group of old Chinese men and women sitting in a lit up Pagoda, with a speaker and some snacks, enjoying a musical evening. They were like superstars meeting up to grease their vocal chords. The way they were so upbeat about their art and dedicated to do what I guess they’ve always wanted to, with such a robust and fun attitude, it made me want to kick myself in the groin. Like seriously, I was so mad at myself for being a moping granny, when the real oldies were jamming and living away.

(Excuse the weird peep hole view of the clip, I have yet to learn that video recordings need to be taken horizontally on the phone)

They were so kind to invite me to go in front of the mic, as well. I took pity on them and told them that I would bring a friend over who’d sing really well. They put up their concerts every Friday and Monday.

New Sights with Old Friends

Tonight I tagged along with my parents and their friends… That’s what cool people like me do during semester breaks when everyone’s out doing ‘rad’ things with their lives. I had, however, very little time to be all gloomy, because the scene was so darn cool!






And that was a minute of a live rock performance at the waterfront

While going back, we saw some dudes skateboarding under a bridge